Stakeholder workshop on Human-wildlife Interactions, Kodaikanal

The Human –wildlife conflict stakeholder workshop held at Kodaikanal, was very well attended, with over 90 registered participants. There was an introduction to the workshop given by Madhu Ramnath (Palni Hills Conservation Council), which was followed by Samraj (Keystone Foundation) who introduced Keystone Foundation as well as provided the aims and objectives of the workshop. […]
Stakeholder workshop on Human-wildlife Interactions, Coonoor
Human Wildlife Interactions Stakeholder Workshop, Coonoor: The stakeholder workshop was held at the UPASI meeting hall on 14 July 2015. The workshop was attended by a large number of field staff from the Forest Department, farmers, farmer groups, concerned citizens as well as the media. The workshop began with a presentation made by Abhishek (Keystone […]
Stakeholder workshop on Human-wildlife Interactions, Kotagiri
Human Wildlife Interactions Stakeholder Workshop, Kotagiri A workshop on interactions between humans and wildlife was conducted in Annamar Cottages in Kotagiri. The workshop was aimed at highlighting some problems and concerns in this region concerning human interactions with wildlife. The workshop was well attended by members of the Media, staff from the Forest Department, farmers, […]
Stakeholder workshop on Human-wildlife Interactions, Periyakulam

A stakeholder workshop on Human-wildlife Interactions, the second in the series, was jointly conducted by Keystone Foundation and Nilgiri Natural History Society. The Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam hosted the workshop on 12 March, 2015. Meeting with Stakeholders The crew from Keystone and NNHS spent a couple of days prior to the workshop, interacting […]
Stakeholder Workshop on Human Wildlife Conflict, Wayanad

Given the trend of increase in interactions between Humans and Wildlife, it has become crucial to understand the point at which these interactions become conflict. Keystone Foundation, has been working on Human Wildlife 1Conflicts over the past year, and is planning on conducting a series of stakeholder workshops across the Western Ghats in Kerala and […]