Wildlife Week Celebrations at Tiruppur, 2nd October, 2015.

NNHS and Keystone Foundation were part of the Wildlife Week Celebrations organised by the Government of Tamil Nadu and the Forest department. We had information posters, books and stickers for sale. Our stall was one of the rare ones which showcased the lesser known diversity of insects of the Nilgiris. More than 5000 people visited […]
Stakeholder workshop on Human-wildlife Interactions, Kodaikanal

The Human –wildlife conflict stakeholder workshop held at Kodaikanal, was very well attended, with over 90 registered participants. There was an introduction to the workshop given by Madhu Ramnath (Palni Hills Conservation Council), which was followed by Samraj (Keystone Foundation) who introduced Keystone Foundation as well as provided the aims and objectives of the workshop. […]