On May 29th, 2021, NNHS screened the first ever online screening of the film, ‘Life of Butterflies’. It is possibly India’s first ever comprehensive documentary on butterflies, covering the life of the most renowned insects on this planet. This documentary will change your understanding of butterflies and their role in the natural world.
The footage comes from Sammilan’s work at his Butterfly Park in Belvai, nestled in the foothills of Western Ghats of India. This is a humble effort, to create conservation interest among the general public for the lesser-known insects that ‘rule the world’.

While the full length feature documentary spans 100 long minutes, the screening was for a shorter 35 minute section that showcases the complete lifecycle of the beautiful Southern Birdwing butterfly. The screening ran to a packed audience as the zoom webinar maxed out and we could not accommodate enough participants.

On popular demand, a second screening was again run on the 12th of June, 2021, and this time went live as a Facebook webcast to enable more people to watch the short version. The sessions were followed by a short q&a session and very well received by all. Ever since the first screening by NNHS, the film has been screened every other weekend by Sammilan and team across various audiences.

We do hope to be able to show the full length version sometime in the near future.