On the 10th of September, 13 nature enthusiasts and NNHS members met up to trek through the Sholur landscape. We drove to the last motorable point from Dunsandle estate and started walking. We walked through the streams, grasslands, Shola forest patches and multiple leech territories to reach the magnificent view point of the Moyar gorge. We also came across a Toda Mund called Pashtar Mund a migratory stop for the Toda community. Aroon Raman explained about the dynamics within the Toda communities to the members. With mist passing through the landscape we found a quaint spot to camp overlooking Masinagudi we enjoyed some sandwiches and chikkis. It was a walk of about 5-and-a-half km, and it took a good five hours to do, the day was well spent – educative, entertaining, and satisfying despite all the leeches climbing our feet and rain looming over our heads. We hope to do this more frequently.