A rapidly warming earth is churning out severe weather events that
impact every realm of life. This talk explores the how and why of these
weather events and discusses the impacts on the biodiversity around us. Where do these events originate and how far are the impacts felt?

Speaker: Dr. Roxy Mathew Koll, Climate Scientist, IITM
Date and Time: Saturday, 5th September, 4 – 5 pm
Where: on Zoom

Meetings details:
Meeting ID: 890 0728 7336
Passcode: 878662

In this talk, Dr. Roxy took us all the way from the warming oceans to its impact on biodiversity – be it due to sea level rise and flooding, causing the extinction of a tiny coastal rodent, or the acidification and subsequent bleaching of corals in the ocean. He traced the path of climate change spanning continents and oceans – be it the locust swarms all the way from east Africa or the thunderstorms that shape over the oceans. Due to lack of time, we were unable to take up and answer all the questions, and we do really look forward to more such talks and discussions with the climate change research lab @ IITM.
For those who missed the talk, a recording can be found here: https://youtu.be/9GvbF5JHwWI