Society Bye-Laws

1. Name of the Society


Nilgiri Natural History Society

2. Date of Opening


5th April 2010

3. Jurisdiction of the Society


District Registrar, Udhagamandalam, the Nilgiris

4. Registered Address of the Office


144-A, Sargan Villa, Opp. Hill Bunk, Club Road, Ooty – 643001

5. Office Working Hours


10.00 AM to 5.00 PM

6.  Aims and Objectives:

Nilgiri Natural History Society endeavours to redefine Life, Nature and Humanity through an ecologically sound and socially responsible value system. It aims to permeate manifestations of actions and thought processes across all walks of life. Inspiration and imagination are core to the Nilgiri Natural History Society.

Ecological Societies where people and biodiversity co-exist have numerous examples in the NBR. Biodiversity conservation is possible and it is relevant in ecologically sound development that does not alienate traditional communities. The Nilgiri Natural History Society was started in 2009 by a group of individuals who have been working in the region of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve for 15 years and more. These individuals have decided to launch the society so that we can add to the region numbers of people who believe that ecological societies are possible. There shall be no discrimination along the lines of race, gender, nationality, and disabilities, in becoming members of the Society.

To promote ecological awareness among people through campaigns and programmes

To design and implement projects aimed at promoting an ecologically sound and socially responsible value system

To undertake research activities towards furthering the knowledge base on the natural history of the region

To develop and promote appropriate and environmentally sound technologies for enhancing the quality of life

To network and exchange information with other organisations, groups and individuals

To create a database on natural resource management systems, among others, on 

Ø Forest ecosystems

Ø Water ecosystems

Ø Land based ecosystems

Ø Human-nature interactions

To prepare environmental management plans for different regions

To disseminate information on ecological issues, natural history etc.

To promote and support research by other individuals, institutions, groups on areas of interest to the NNHS

To raise funds, accept donations, grants, subscriptions, gifts, benefactions, presents and other offerings in cash or kind or movable or immovable property and to deal with the same for the purpose of the NNHS

The President will be the authorised official for all the actions taken under the court of law on behalf of the Society.


7. Eligibility. The Society shall have the following types of membership:-

a. Student membership – All those who are in the age group of 10-17 years, and identify with and are willing to contribute to the vision and objects of the society would be eligible for this. They would be eligible to attend the General Body Meetings and enjoy such privileges as may be notified by the Executive Committee from time to time. The student members would not have any voting right in the Society. The membership fee is Rs. 100 per year.

b. Associate membership – All those above 17 years of age, who identify with and are willing to contribute to the vision and objects of the society would be eligible for this. They would be eligible to attend the General Body Meetings and enjoy such privileges as may be notified by the Executive Committee from time to time. The associate members would not have any voting right in the Society. The membership fee is Rs. 100 per year.

c. Individual membership – Any individual who identifies with and is willing to contribute to the vision and objects of the society is eligible to apply for membership of the Society by submitting the duly filled in membership form of the Society along with the prevailing annual or life membership fee. The applicant may become a member of the Society upon approval by the Executive Committee. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. The annual membership fee for individuals is Rs 250 per year and the Life membership fee is Rs 2,000.

d. Institutional membership – Any institution which identifies with and is willing to contribute to the vision and objects of the society is eligible to apply for membership of the Society by submitting the duly filled in membership form of the Society along with the prevailing annual or life membership fee. The applicant institution may become a member of the Society upon approval by the Executive Committee. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final. The annual membership fee for institutions is Rs 2,000 per year and the Life membership fee is Rs 10,000.  

8Dismissal of a Member. Any member who fails to renew her/his/their subscription within thirty days of expiry of membership shall cease to be a member of the Society. Any member, who is found to be indulging in activities that are contrary to the vision and objects of the Society, may be dismissed from the membership of the Society by the Executive Committee. Dismissal of a member would lead to forfeiture of the membership fee. The society may act against the members for:-

– Recovery of arrears of membership subscription

– Recovery of any retained property or damages to the property caused by the members

– For mis-utilisation / mis-appropriation of funds of the society

                   – Forging any deed, document, money receipt etc. causing loss of fund or loss of credibility of the society.

9. Resignation. Any member can resign from the membership voluntarily at any time by applying to the President in writing. The membership fee already paid shall be forfeit in such cases.

10. Rights of the member. Rights of an individual or institutional member of the society are:

(a) Right to receive notices

(b) Right to vote

(c) Right to receive copies of the bye laws

(d) Right to receive statement of accounts and annual report

(e) Right to attend general meetings

The rights of student and associate members of the society are

(a) Right to receive copies of the bye-laws

(b) Right to receive statement of accounts and annual report

(c) Right to attend general meetings

11. Duties of Members

(a) To work towards attainment of the objectives of the society

(b) To attend the meetings regularly and exercise their democratic right as and when necessary.

General Body Meeting

12. The General Body Meeting should be convened once a year. It should be convened within 6 months time from the Financial Year ending (i.e) within the month of September. The notice period for convening any General Body Meeting is 21 clear days. The said 21 days should be exclusive of the General Body meeting proposed. One copy of the General Body Meeting notice must be sent to the Registrar of Societies. The Notice may be sent in any of the following methods-

(a) Personal delivery.

(b) Postal delivery

(c) Sending Circulars to Members

(d) By publishing in the Newspapers.

13. The notice shall be exhibited in the office Notice Board also. The quorum for the general body meeting will be the presence of one-third of the total membership of the Society.

14. Powers of the General Body

(a) To elect Executive Members once in 5 years.

(b) To approve the Annual Accounts placed by the Executive Committee before the General Body.

(c) To approve the Annual Income and Expenditure reports.

(d) To appoint an Auditor to audit the transactions and accounts of the Society.

(e) To make amendments in by laws or in sub sections of relevant by laws, for corrections, deletions or inclusions or changing.

(f) To consider, deliberate and decide conclusively any no-confidence motion against any of the Executive Committee Members including the office bearers. All such motions shall be carried out or rejected by a simple majority of the members present in the said meeting of confidence motion.

15. Special General Body Meeting. Any Special General Body Meeting shall be held on the following occasions-

(a) If the Executive Committee requires any special permission of the General Body in specific matters.

(b) This meeting shall be held if two- thirds of the members of the General Body wish to convene or 50% of the Executive Committee members wish to convene the said meeting. The request must be made in writing by such members or the Executive Members.

These requisitions must be addressed to the President or the Secretary. On receipt of such request, the Special General Body Meeting should be convened within 1 month. All other provisions relating to the conduct of the General Body Meeting shall also be applicable for the Special General Body Meeting.

16. Minutes book Register. The Society shall maintain two separate Books of Minutes for recording the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings and the Annual General Body Meetings, including the Special General Body Meetings, if any. The Secretary is the office Bearer who is responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes of such meetings. The minutes so recorded shall be read and confirmed in the next following meetings of the Executive Committee or the General Body, as the case may be and signed by the President and Secretary.

17. Ordinary Resolutions. If the proposed resolution is general or ordinary in nature, it shall be passed by a simple majority of the members present in the meeting.

18. Special Resolutions.

(a) All proposed Special Resolution(s) shall be passed by two-thirds majority of the members present in the meeting. The Executive Committee and/or the General Body will decide the nature of such Resolutions.

(b) The Society can only be dissolved by a special Resolution passed by three-fourths (75%) majority of the total membership of the society present and voting in an Extraordinary General Body Meeting specially convened for the said purpose and after giving a clear notice of 45 days.

19. Distribution of copies of documents of the Society to the members duly certified

(a) Book containing the Objectives, Aims and Byelaws of the Society can be obtained from the Honorary Secretary by payment of Rs.50/- per copy. The said copy of the book shall be only issued to the registered members of the Society.

(b) Copies of all other documents of the Society shall be made available to the members of the Society on written request, at the discretion of the Executive Committee and after paying the stipulated charges. Members are entitled to peruse/inspect the documents at the office of the Society after giving 10 days notice to the Secretary and after permission from the President.


20. Methods of alteration/amending of byelaws. All amendments and alterations to the byelaws of the Society shall be carried out by Special Resolution passed by two-thirds majority of the members present either in the regular General Body Meeting, as the case may be.

21. Elections

(a) As mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs the Executive Committee consisting of 11 members shall be directly nominated/elected by the General Body in the regular Annual General Body Meeting.

(b) The Executive Committee, in turn, shall elect the Office Bearers out of the Executive Committee Members themselves. The team of Office Bearers shall consist of: (1) President, (2) Secretary and (3) Treasurer.

(c) The term of the Executive Committee (inclusive of the office-bearers) shall be for a period of five years.

(d) The six ex-officio members from Keystone Foundation shall be nominated by Keystone Foundation in writing to the Society and approved by the General Body. In case of rejection of any nomination by the General Body, Keystone Foundation may nominate any other staff member.

1. (a) All members of the Society who are not in arrears of subscription, are eligible to vote and contest as a candidate in the election of the Executive Committee.

(b) The duration of election process shall be over a fixed period of 10 days, inclusive of the date of election for the Executive Committee. (Note: Normally the election of the Executive Committee takes place in the Annual General Body Meeting).

(c) Date of commencement of Election process shall be intimated by the Secretary to all members giving notice of 10 clear days.

(d) Members seeking election to the Election Committee should file their nomination papers with the Electoral Officer (appointed for the purpose by the President and Secretary) within the first five days of the notified date (notified by the Secretary). The said nomination shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another member of the Society. The said members should not be in arrears of subscription at the time of proposing or seconding.

(e) The Electoral Officer shall scrutinise the nominations in presence of the interested persons on the sixth day and notify the validity or otherwise of the nomination papers so scrutinised.

(f) Candidate whose nomination papers are found to be valid are entitled to withdraw their nominations in the next four days, expiring with the stipulated 10 days.

(g) Election, if need be, shall be conducted by secret ballot method as part of the Annual General Body Meeting by the Electoral Officer and the results declared.

(h) After the due constitution of the Executive Committee, the same Electoral Officer, shall conduct the election of the Office Bearers from among the members of the Executive Committee, if need arises and declare the results.

(i) The Executive Committee can co-opt upto two honorary members, either from within the Society or from outside the Society when circumstances and situations so warrant, for the betterment of the Society. Such honorary members will not be eligible to vote during the Executive Committee meetings.